Extreme Fibers; Call for Entries

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Take part in an international exhibition that features work from the most universal medium of all: textiles. This top import/export serves as more than a canvas these days, and the Muskegon Museum of Art in Muskegon, Michigan wants you to show the world your fabric-working capabilities.

Part One of Extreme Fibers: Textile Icons and the New Edge showcases work from various artists from around the world such as Luis Acosta, Krystyna Sadej, Wolfgang Horn, offering an immersion into a cultural kaleidoscope. Part Two is where you come in!

Deadline for Submission: November 14, 2014 (ONLINE)

Artwork is selected by a three-person jury, and artists are invited to enter up to two fiber-based or textile works, or any two pieces that incorporate a textile technique or material . Each entry (for 1 or 2 works) is $50 and may contain up to three images. Artwork not for sale is to be labeled as such, and the Muskegon Museum of Art intakes a 40% commission for all sold artworks.

*Two-dimensional works must not exceed 6’x10′, three-dimensional works must be less than 8’x4’x4′. All works must weigh less than 100 lbs. 


For more information or to submit an entry, click here.